Photovoltaic panels have a lifespan of at least 30 years, so you can be reassured about their design and solidity !
En théorie, une installation solaire photovoltaïque ne nécessite que peu d'entretien, mais une surveillance régulière est vivement conseillée pour éviter les pannes et les pertes de rendement.
Votre système de monitoring est là pour vous aider à vérifier chaque jour que vos panneaux photovoltaïques produisent correctement, mais d'autres petites vérifications peuvent être ponctuellement utiles. On fait le point.
Comment faire l'entretien de votre installation photovoltaïque
1. Le nettoyage de mes panneaux photovoltaïques
In theory, it is not necessary to clean your photovoltaic panels. However, occasional cleaning may be useful, depending on your situation.
Rain is generally your best ally, and with it comes the natural removal of dirt from the surface of your panels. In Belgium, we have no shortage of rain, and our panels are designed to withstand most types of weather. Their coating is also designed to let water run off and prevent dirt deposits as far as possible.
Nevertheless, in certain regions with more pollution or pollen, and when it rains less, dirt can accumulate and prevent the panel from capturing light properly. This will affect the yield of your installation by several percent. This reduction in production can also occur if there is an accumulation of snow or leaves on your photovoltaic panels, which the wind or rain would not have removed naturally.
In these cases, cleaning your photovoltaic system may be useful and even recommended.
2. If necessary, how do I clean my solar panels ?
Ideally, you should call in a professional to avoid any accidents when climbing onto your roof, and also to avoid damaging your photovoltaic panels with inappropriate products or sponges. Above all, don't scratch the glass.
If you want to do it yourself, however, follow these few recommendations :
- Make sure that the solar panels are switched off : Before you start, make sure that the solar panels are disconnected from the electrical system for safety reasons.
- Choose the right time : Avoid cleaning the solar panels when they are still hot from exposure to the sun. Preferably choose a cloudy day or wait until early morning or late afternoon when the panels have cooled down.
- Prepare your equipment : Take a bucket of softened water, a soft sponge or soft bristle brush, a garden hose with a soft jet nozzle (never high pressure!), and if necessary (but not really useful), a solar panel cleaner (above all, do not use aggressive or abrasive cleaners).
- Remove rough dirt : Use the hose to gently rinse off any visible dirt and dust from the panels.
- Scrub with a soft sponge : Soak the sponge in water and gently rub the surface of the photovoltaic panels if there are any stubborn stains, such as bird droppings.
- Rinse thoroughly : Once you have cleaned the surface, rinse thoroughly with a hose to remove any residue and last traces of dirt.
- Check the connections : Before restoring the power supply, check that all electrical connections are securely fastened.
- Restore power : Reconnect the electrical system and ensure that the solar panels are working correctly via your monitoring system.
Planifier un nettoyage régulier de vos panneaux photovoltaïques peut être nécessaire pour maintenir leur efficacité, mais la fréquence dépendra de l'endroit où vous vivez et de la quantité de saleté cumulée.
3. How to maintain my inverter ?
Your inverter is one of the central components of your photovoltaic installation. It transforms the direct current produced by your photovoltaic panels into alternating current that can be used by your household appliances.
Strictly speaking, it does not require any maintenance, but to ensure that it lasts as long as possible (10 to 15 years), you need to check that this device is always well ventilated, i.e. that the air circulates easily around it and that dust does not accumulate. If this is not the case, your inverter will overheat and perform less well, or even break down sooner than normal.
Also make sure that the cables are not damaged for any reason. For example, rodents or humidity can sometimes cause damage.
4. How to check the production of my panels ?
Thanks to the monitoring system supplied with your inverter, you can check your production every day to make sure that everything is normal.

Your production can fluctuate according to the seasons and the weather, but as long as you are producing at a relatively normal rate, there is theoretically no problem with your installation.
In short, your photovoltaic system does not require any maintenance in the strict sense of the term, but regular monitoring of its performance and occasional surveillance of its components is highly recommended.